Our Firm Takes the Lead on Pace Suburban Bus Service Lawsuit

Chicago bus

A Crash in North Zion Leads to Injuries & Property Damage

On August 21, 2024, a serious traffic incident occurred involving a Pace Suburban Bus Service (also referred to as Pace) vehicle in Zion, Illinois, resulting in the injury of six people, including two passengers and two Pace employees. The crash took place at the intersection of 21st Street and Joppa Avenue around 2:37 p.m. when another driver ran through a stop sign and collided with the bus.

Filing Civil Suit Against Pace & the Other Driver

MDR LAW LLC represents two claimants in a suit against the transportation organization, Pace, Derrick Murphy (the bus driver), Romelio Olmeda, and Hugo Estrada. Each of these named defendants shares in the liability for our client’s injuries and fiscal losses.

Pace has been named as a defendant because of its failure to take steps to protect the plaintiffs, who were both fare-paying passengers who were owed a duty of care by the company. Derrick Murphy is an agent of Pace who was operating the bus at the time of the accident.

Their negligence played a part in leading to the accident itself.

At the time of the accident, Murphy failed to take one or more of the following actions to avoid the collision:

  • Maintaining a safe speed
  • Operating a bus without adequate, functioning brakes
  • Sounding the horn or using a form of warning mechanism to alert passengers and others to the impending crash
  • Looking ahead and driving defensively
  • Operating the bus in a safe manner
  • Operating the bus in a way that is not considered negligent or careless

Romelio Omeda was the driver of the other vehicle involved in the collision and was operating the vehicle as an employee or agent of Hugo Estrada. The driver and vehicle owner owe a duty of care to others on the road and should take steps to safely operate, control, and maintain a vehicle.

Our suit alleges that one or more of the following negligent actions were taken while the vehicle was in operation (which led to the accident and our clients’ damages):

  • Failing to stop as required by law when approaching a stop sign
  • Failing to obey traffic control or roadway signs
  • Failing to adhere to the legal speed limit
  • Ignoring the need to yield at an intersection
  • Failing to use the horn to warn others of a potential accident
  • Driving into oncoming traffic despite it not being safe to do so

Click to View the Full Complaint

Ways Our Firm Helps Those Injured in Negligent Accidents

At MDR LAW LLC, we handle a range of transportation litigation cases, including those against train, airplane, and taxi companies. With decades of collective experience, our attorneys can be trusted to advise you of your legal rights and options and help you navigate filing a claim.

We also represent clients in the following personal injury matters:

To learn more about how we can help with your specific legal matter, schedule an initial consultation today by calling (312) 500-7944.

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